22337A Leisure Time Spa56 2lb Container Chlorine Granules
- Brand: Leisure Time
- Chemical Color: White
- Container Size: 2 pound
- Form: Granular Powder
- Odor: Mild Chlorine-Like
- pH Rating: 6 - 6.5
- Solubility: 25g/100 ml at 30 deg C
- Specific Gravity: 0.96
- Spa 56 Chlorinating Granules provides clear water so you can enjoy more relaxation
- Fast-acting concentrated chlorine granular formula specially formulated for hot water
- Package features easy, step-by-step instructions
Start Up Directions:
- Clean your spas surfaces, back-flush and clean filters.
- Ensure your spa's pH and alkalinity are within the proper ranges.
- Add 1/2 oz of Spa 56 per 500 gallons of water.
- Circulate spa or hot tub water for 5 minutes.
- Ideal Range 2 -3 ppm.
Weekly Maintenance Directions:
- Using spa test strips, test your spas water and adjust when needed.
- Ideal Range for alkalinity level: 80 - 120 ppm.
- Ideal Range for pH level: 7.2 - 7.8.
- Ideal Range for Active Chlorine: 2 - 3 ppm.
Super Oxidation
- Using spa test strips, test your spas water and adjust when needed.
- Super chlorinate every 2 - 4 weeks.
- 1 oz of Spa 56 per 500 gallons of water.
- Resume program when chlorine residual reads 2 - 3 ppm.
This product has a 1 year warranty from the manufacturer